+91 9676308587 gramodayaap@gmail.com

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  • 121 King Street, Australia
  • example@gmail.com
  • (00) 2500-123-4567


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Gramodaya Trust

Gramodaya Trust works for the development of farmers through farmers collectives and farmer producer organisations, livelihood promotion of poor in the rural areas, agri-enterprise and social enterprise development, developing resilience to climate change, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) issues

Gramodaya Trust was formed in 2015 after the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh with the vision to empower the farmers in the newly formed state. This was done after a thorough study of the problems, possible solutions that can be incorporated at the farm-gate, thereby doubling the income of the farmers and increase employment opportunities. Since the incorporation, we have been working towards this goal and we believe we can do our part to increase the livelihood of our farmer friends.



Gramodaya aspires to build sustainable livelihoods of smallholder farmers, artisans, different occupational groups, resource poor and marginalized communities in the rural areas.


Promotion and strengthening of community-based organizations, farmers’ collectives, cooperatives, farmer producer organizations (FPOs), and other local institutions for effective and door step delivery of services for socio economic development


1. Truth

2. Non Voilence

3. Trusteeship

4. Gram Swaraj (Village Self Reliance)

5. Sarvodaya(Welfare of All)


Promotion of organic, natural farming and sustainable agriculture amongst Smallholder Farmers (SHF)

Capacity Building & Skill Building for Organisation Development (OD) for formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)

Promotion of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and Non-Pesticide Management (NPM) & Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and other natural methods of pest and disease control and crop protection

Promotion of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) & Cow based farming

Promotion of Agribusinesses & Social Enterprises in Agriculture and allied sectors

Value chain development and commodity processing

Financing, investments and facilitation of access to affordable farm credit

Marketing, facilitation of marketing linkages with processors and bulk buyers

Promotion of Participation Guarantee System (PGS)- self certification for marketing organic produce,

Partnerships development with key stakeholders

Studies and policy advocacy

Promoting Natural, Organic, Sustainable and Climate Change Resilient agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries development interventions

Technology integration and innovation for development of agriculture and allied sectors; food security, enterprise development, business and entrepreneurship development

Technical and handholding support to Livelihoods of poor and marginalized sections

Natural Resource Management and water resource conservation and management

Ecological and Environment protection and regeneration

Promotion of natural composting, bio composting, clean and renewable energy from agriculture waste or residues and cattle waste, promote alternative ecologically sustainable energies

Women farmers empowerment, skill development, employment generation in agriculture and allied sectors

Tenant farmers welfare and agri-allied labour development and welfare, livelihood generation


Formation, Promotion and Strengthening of Farmer Producer Organisation (FPOs)

Promoting 3 FPOs in collaboration with NABARD in West Godavari District.

Haritha Mitra Farmer Producer Company Limited, Pedavegi, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari District. Strengthening the farmers of Cocoa and Coconut crops

Kolleru Aqua Farmer Producer Company Limited, Sriparru, Eluru Rural Mandal, West Godavari District. Strengthening Fish and Prawn farmers around World Famous Kolleru Lake area.

Harivillu Farmer Producer Company Limited, Pedavegi, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari District. Strengthening the farmers of Banana, Lemon and Vegetables

Development Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd (PwC Pvt Ltd)

Supporting PwC Pvt Ltd in the formation, promotion and strengthening of 17 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) as business startups in three districts ie Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam Districts of Andhra Pradesh

our Partners

Mr Srinivas Chekuri

Founder & Chairman

Mr. Srinivas Chekuri an ardent believer of Gandhian model of Gram Swaraj, community service for Sarvodaya (Welfare of All) has been actively involved in the service of poor, and marginalized rural communities ever since his student days from 1989. He has about 25 years of experience directly working at the grassroots on several rural development projects on rural poverty alleviation and livelihood promotion at state, regional and national level. He has been extensively working for the development of Small and Marginal Farmers (SMF), Farmer Cooperatives, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), SHGs, SHG Federations (MACS) and various types of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and etc. His work focuses on Institution Building, Capacity Building, Promoting sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sectors, Rural Livelihood Promotion, Promotion and strengthening of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Cooperatives, Enterprise development, Value Chain Development, Agribusiness and Marketing, Natural Resource Management, Watershed Development, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and etc. He had conducted several Sectoral and thematic Studies and Assessments and experienced in Project Formulation and designing implementation strategies, Log Frame Work (LFW), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and approaches.


D. Jaya Lakshmi
Kolleru Aqua Farmer Producer Company Ltd
Mr R.P. Chandra Raju
Haritha Mitra Farmer Producer Company Ltd
Mr Ch. Gandhi
Harivillu Farmer Producer Company Ltd
Mr G.V. Sekhar
(Marketing Manager)
Kolleru Aqua Farmer Producer Company Ltd
Mr. R. Kishore Kumar
(Sales Executive)
Kolleru Aqua FPC Ltd